I usually don't get behind causes. They are often tired and there is absolutely nothing one person can do to make a difference. This time, however, is different.
Recently, an imageboard which shall remained unnamed found a flyer for an old man's birthday. An old WWII vet by the name of William J. Lashua. The picture to the right was posted by an anonymous user.
Apparently, Mr. Lashua was formerly Private Lashua of the United States Army. As stated before, he participated in WWII. The extent of his war record was not clear as of press time. What was clear is this: The 90 year old is having a birthday party and has no friends or family to attend. Hence he made these flyers.
Immediately the masses of the internet took action. Numerous letters, cards, and even money have been sent to Mr. Lashua's address. Well wishers from all over the world, even Germany, have come forth to wish old William a happy birthday.
But this is not enough.
Everyone should send him something, if nothing else just leave a comment on the Facebook page made for him. Thank him for his service in helping make this world a better place. Or send him a card. It costs less than a dollar. For what he sacrificed for us, that is a small price to pay.
Mr William J Lashua
c/o Ashburnham American Legion
PO Box 996
Ashburnham, MA 01430-6996
If you live anywhere near this town, show up at his birthday party. Many folks have sent cakes and such. Help the rest of the internet let this man know that what he did was appreciated and that we will never forget.
This time you can actually make a difference. I'm sure every single comment and card he gets will be much appreciated.
One last note to no one in particular: /b/rothers, DO NOT show up in masks like faggots. William Lashua is NOT scientology. If you will attend, dress nicely and act respectable. If you see someone acting like a faggot, take them aside quietly and beat the shit out of them.
sent him one!!
Sent him a card from Australia, hope the dude flips when he gets them all.
Showing teh daily support
Man this is awesome!
Cool info. I check your blog daily. I hope you check mine out too: http://saveithere.blogspot.com/
that italicized note at the bottom was the best... i fucking LOL'd so goddam hard.
also, please to disable your captcha
I read a follow up that he actually has friends and family in the area, but one of his sons or grandsons wanted to ensure that the friends who didn't know it was this old man's birthday could be informed via flyer. Apparently he even has great grandchildren.
Of course, this is the internetz, so who knows what's true.
Good to see more people supporting this.
man contributing for a good cause, i sent him a card from Australia, wow the internet seriously has potential to change people's lives, (for the better or worse.
share the love /b/rothers.
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