You can't expect to please everyone all the time. I tried. I then realized that I am timeless like the smell of chitlins or your first time playin smelly finger. Maybe I should let you walk your idiot walk and not point things out. I can't help myself though. I go through a routine. I grab my Ipod, my trusty Scotch filled flask, a pack of Camel Wides, my pen and a few snot filled napkins. I get all incognito up in this bitch. Werd. I have been known to dress for the occasion. I switch it up. Once in a while, I'll don a Brooks Brother's tailored suit. Other times I'll wear your shitty football team's jersey. (depending on what city I'm in.) I venture out into the day and I wait for you.
At first it was a thing I did on my way to some craptastic event. Now, I've evolved into this weirdo who thoroughly enjoys people watching. I am a pioneer. An addict. I can't help myself. The irony of all of this is that I don't really like people. I go out to simply view your disgusting habits and filthy lifestyle. It makes for great entertainment. I like seeing how you live. How you let your kids run you. How you talk shit to your spouse in public, and their reaction. I enjoy it. It is my reality TV.

We are symbiotic it seems. I never thought about it that way until just now. Without your weirdness, I have no reason to laugh. Hmm.. It seems that your captain just had an epiphany.. I love looking at your shittasticness and require it. I raise my flask to it. I get dressed up to see it. I can't wait to see what you'll do next. Damn You! I guess.. Keep up the great werk and I'll see you in the trenches. Out.
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